Mobile editorial for business savvy folks


Scope: UI Concept
Role: UI Designer
Date: April 2020
Length: 1 week

Figma, Sketch, Illustrator.

Project Brief

Design a mobile web interface for an online business magazine based on the data from UX research.  

photos of user personas in buzzz editorial project
See the user personas

Problem Statement

“How might we help James stay up-to-date on the trends and how-tos in the business world so that he can grow professionally and personally and make his business successful?”


I started with drafting a sitemap and information architecture. I then conducted a visual competitive analysis to explore what already exists and spot new opportunities. In the next step, I created a mood-board, set typography, and colors. Next, I made up a name for the magazine and created a simple logo. Next came the most enjoyable part – creating UI elements, or say the building stones, strictly in the line of the atomic design approach. While doing so, I kept the interactions in mind as well. 

moodboard for buzzz editorial


iphone mockup with buzzz editorial screen showing homepage
iphone mockup with buzzz editorial screen showing menu
iphone mockup with buzzz editorial screen showing category
iphone mockup with buzzz editorial screen showing article


I read a Nielsen Norman group article on how users read on the web, and decided to challenge the status quo by introducing a text-first approach. I brought the headline in the spotlight and gave the user option to swipe-reveal the image and intro text. The scope of this project did not allow for user testing which would reveal if the design truly benefits the user or not.

Test it – hover over the frame below and press F key for full screen view

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