Web development with the right course
Web Dev
How I built a website with soul for a business coach.
Develop a fully responsive website with custom functionalities.
Michael Breedt is a business coach. He has approached me with a task to develop a website. The design was made by great Aura Scaringi, an Amsterdam based designer and illustrator. My task was to convert her design delivered as Photoshop files into a fully responsive website. The task involved programming custom interface – the “idea check” – an interactive form whereas an output the user gets a preliminary assessment. I did this with PHP and jQuery. The website is based on a WordPress theme, however, extensive html & css modifications were necessary to match the delivered design.
My Role
Web Developer (frontend, backend)
Client: Michael Breedt
Design: Aura Scaringi from Mimimou
Deliverables: Responsive website, Basic SEO, Optimalisation for social media, Content management, Google Analytics.
Tools: HTML, CSS, Javascript (jQuery), WordPress, Google Analytics.
Custom Solution - Idea Checker
Michael helps his clients to develop their ideas into products. Idea checker (ideecheck) is a page where the users can examine if their idea is executable. At the same time, the purpose of the page is to get users’ contact information in order to approach him later. The designer has designed user flow. My task was to implement it on the website.
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